Lab Rats
Logo, Branding and website
Lab Rats is the idea of 2 PhD students at the University of Surrey, and is all about enabling young school children to experience the excitement of hand-on science in the classroom.
Inspired by their own memories of classroom explosions and smells, and the realisation that current education funding, timetabling and health and safety regulation was making it difficult for schools to provide the same today, Laura and David set up Lab Rats to provide both exciting science experiences and an opportunities for university-level students with the opportunity to earn some money at the same time as enthusing the next generation of scientists and technicians.
FdK were asked to provide a logo, branding, website and launch promotion materials for the company after they won a sizeable grant from the Wates foundation enabling them to take the first steps in realising their business dream.
Our work including the development of the 'Lab Rat' family characters and simple animations for the website and promotion.