Healthwatch Surrey
Campaign brochure
Healthwatch Surrey is an independent champion that gives the people of Surrey a voice to improve, shape and get the best from health and social care services by empowering local people and communities.
They engage with and listen to what people from all parts of the community say so that they can offer reliable evidence that can be trusted. That way, they will have the credibility to speak with a voice that is heard and taken seriously by decision makers. They have a particular interest in reaching out to those who may be less well-heard.
Healthwatch Surrey asked FdK to help them with one of their campaigns; preserving funding for popular and well-used mental health drop in centres within the county.
We designed and produced a brochure with a strong graphic theme centred around mental health and communicating the real, measurable benefits that the drop in centres bring to those suffering with mental health issues.
Our infographic style and no-nonsense design was extremely effective at getting the message over to those individuals and organisations involved in the funding and running of the centres.